Note, this is an advanced, and experimental feature. In addition, at this stage, there is no UI to manage this feature and requires editing the registry.
Minimum version: (beta)
If you are experiencing issues with file object permissions, you can have Drive Bender reset these permissions during the next file system health check (to manually start a file system health check, see this article). The security attributes used, are based on a "template" folder that you specify.
To use this feature, open RegEdit and head to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Division-M\Drive Bender", and locate the pool's subkey (this is a GUID, for most users, there will only be a single value. For more information on the pool's subkey, see this article). Here is an example of a pool's subkey
To the pool subkey, you need to add a string value called "Reset Object Security Using Object" that points to a folder that you have created and added or changed the permissions to suit, for example, "C:\My Security Folder Template". The next time the file system health monitor checks the pool, it will read this value and mirror it's security attributes against all file system objects in the pool. Note, the registry value "Reset Object Security Using Object" is automatically deleted once read to prevent the resetting occurring again.
Reset target folders
There is also an additional option to allow only a specific folder (and its children) to be reset. To do this add the string value "Reset Object Security For Folder" and set to the target folder, for example, "X:\Broken Folder" (where X is the pool).
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