Get the latest version
To upgrade to the latest version, head to
Here you can see all versions and the changelog for each release of Drive Bender, download the latest version.
Once downloaded, simply install the new version of Drive Bender over the top of the existing, if the installer determines that you need to uninstall first, it will inform you, in this case
- Uninstall the older versions of Drive Bender.
- Reboot (this is important)
- Install the latest version of Drive Bender
- Reboot as per the installer's request.
Once the new version is installed, we recommend you open the Drive Bender manager and check that all your drives are present in the pool, and all is operation.
All is not well, what next
Most importantly, do not panic, your files are safe. Drive Bender uses Window's NTFS files system, and your files are perfectly accessible outside of Drive Bender. Note - If you need immediate access to your files, map a drive (see - Mapping drive letters) and access your files that way.
Contact support
If you experience an issue, simply send the Drive Bender logs to support. The Drive Bender 2.4 (and above) logs are located at "C:\ProgramData\Division-M\Drive Bender\Logs". The file names are "db-StartupLog.sil" and "db-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.sil" (where all the xx's are the date). Can you please reply with all log attached in a zip file, please only include the "SIL" files unless otherwise instructed. Note to send large zipped log files, please see -
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