Issue - As of Drive Bender v1.3.5.0 a drive removal or a drive swap operation will dismount all pool mount point for the duration of the operation. This is by design, however if Drive Bender is set to manage system drive letters, then it may assign the dismounted mount point drive letter to the drive removed, this could cause the mount point not to come back up.
Workaround - A reboot of the server should resolve the issue, however if this fails you will need to remove the Windows drive letter from the drive that was removed. To do this start Windows Disk Manager (start menu, type "diskmgmt.msc" to load the disk manager) and find the drive in the list of drives available on the system. Right-click the drive and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths", then remove the offending drive letter. Once done reboot.
Expected Fix - v1.3.5.2
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