Issue - File metadata for some very specific file types (i.e. audio and video) are not accessible from a pooled drive. For the most part this is not an issue with the following exceptions. There are a number of Metro applications which will fail to start (again such as the video player, audio player etc). It should be noted that the file still contained the metadata, even when copied back out of the pool. This issue is to do will access only.
This issue is being investigated by our driver developers. However they have indicated that this appears to be an issue with Windows 8 / Server 2012 and have files a bug report with Microsoft. Once we have a resolution on this, an update will be released.
We have also received reports that the new Data Duplication feature in Server 2012 (not to be confused with Drive Bender duplication) can cause issues with a Drive Bender pool, we are investigating.
Workaround - Flag the drive letter mount point as a "removable" drive, this resolves the file meta data issue. To do this, follow these steps.
1) Open regedit and head to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Division-M\Drive Bender"
2) Find and open the pool key, this will be a GUID based key (see following image).
3) Under the pool key, open the mount point key. If you have more that one mount point defined, you will need to find the correct one. The following image show two mount point keys.
4) Once you have selected the correct mount point key (as determined by its "Mount Name"), change it's "Removable" DWORD value to 1.
5) Reboot.
Expected Fix - v1.4.5.0
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